Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 9 in a "Boot" Cast

It's been nine days since I broke my foot.  I have to say this is a heck of a lot easier than the wrist break I went through a few years ago.  Since I teach piano I really had to make some adjustments with a cast around my wrist and up my arm.

Breaking a foot can cause major disruptions in life including walking, driving, exercising, mowing, dancing, jumping, climbing, bike riding and the list goes on.  And for that reason, I decided to concentrate on the positive the minute that it happened.  My husband reiterated this when he said, "Don't think about what you can't do.  Think about what you can do!"  I imagine that should be a major thought every day we get up in the morning and we'd be on an eternal high.

Running up the driveway in backless clogs is never a good idea and I won't be doing that again.  If I hadn't been so cold, I guarantee I would have sauntered.  Now I appreciate each step that doesn't bring pain and I'm actually very happy.  The concerned looks on my friends' faces who even wince with a glance down haven't made my positive mental jump.  Every time I see a sad or worried face, I've decided I've made the better choice on how to react to my circumstances.  And I hope my positive mental attitude flows all the way down to my toes.

I never wait long to get up after an accident.  With five dogs who need to go to the dog park every day to stay sane, I really don't get a vote.  When I broke my wrist, I waited a day and returned to the park with a temporary cast on Day 2.  With a broken foot, I waited two days - only because my husband insisted on helping me with my furry crew.  Now I sneak the dogs to the park as soon as his car leaves the driveway.

I believe in healing through exercise and a positive outlook.  I will never let a doctor tell me what I can or can not do.  I will be doing it all again and that's that.  I've got a show in mid-January and I see myself doing that show with heels on even if I look like a coming out transvestite trying to walk in them

Live each day in full appreciation for all you can do and watch the world change in a moment!

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